The Assassins as the Predecessors of Today’s Known Terrorist Organisations

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2021.4.4


In connection with the Assassins, a memory of a medieval secret organisation appears in our minds which used to kill  and massacre their victims in front of big audiences and masses even through their self-sacrifice. The categorisation of modern terrorism and the eras, waves of terrorism and  the research of the history of terrorism resulted in a  number of divisive question. This study seeks to answer the  question of whether the Assassins could be considered  the forerunner of modern terrorism or whether it was only  a medieval terrorist organisation in the history of terrorism.  After the introduction of the problem, the study  will present the formation of the Assassin order, the  activities of Hasan-i Sabbah and the methods of the order,  then it will try to answer the question in the summary. 


Assassins self-sacrifice suicide modern terrorism


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