The Official Setup of the Rapid Deployment Forces in Hungary

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2021.3.2


Nearly two years after the publication of General Elemér Gorondy-Novák’s report, Hungarian Governor Miklós Horthy decided to assemble in one branch the cyclist and mechanised troops, cavalry and armoured units. The measure on the organisation of rapid deployment forces ordered with immediate effect the concentration of all kinds of rapid deployment troops, that is, cyclists, mechanised troops, cavalry and tank units. The uniform tabs of the soldiers that belonged to the new kind of rapid deployment unit became unified (blue), each type of troops had a different emblem. According to the measure, the training program of the officer cadets took place concentrated; however, it was differentiated by the type of troops. The joint exercises and transfers between the different types of troops ensured the cooperation of the officers.


rapid deployment unit concentration of troops mechanised warfare cooperation Elemér Gorondy-Novák


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