The Soviet Approach of the Mechanised Warfare in the Period between the Two World Wars

Part One

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2020.3.2


General Triandafillov created the category of deep operations in his work called „The nature of the modern armies’ operations”. Regarding to the depth of attack operations, he pointed out that this depends on the deepness of the defense lines, the defense in the depth can be 80-100 kilometers long in case of mechanized armies. Tukhatsevsky developed further the imaginations of Triandafillov relating to the mechanized warfare in his work called „The new questions of the war”. Consequently to the widening of the front lines he assumed that there will not be remain enough area on the wings to perform any maneuvers needed for the decisive battle, so the combat actions became frontal already in the World War I. He assumed that the outflanking maneuvers will become more effective with applying of air forces and tanks, and the surprise will increase further the effectiveness of the new war machines.


Triandafillov Tukhachevsky deep operation operational echelon breakthrough


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