Opportunities and Experiences in the Field of Transformation of Traditional Training Materials to E-learning Contents

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2019.4.14


Nowadays it is widely accepted and known that traditional education and training contents are combined / blended with or replaced by alternative (e-learning) training materials, placing the learning process into a virtual environment. On the one hand, this kind of transformation can contribute to the success of the learning process through sharing extra relevant information, media content; on the other hand, e-learning methods provide flexible training opportunities in our fast pace world. Regardless of the type of the training content, the most important part of the procedure is the design and development of the training materials, because this phase determines the entire training process, the defined basic principles play vital roles in success. My aim is to take into account the elements of the learning process - which are very important both in traditional and alternative training methods - and analyse the opportunities of its transformation into e-learning content ensuring success.     


traditional education and training alternate methods distance learning transformation of traditional training contents


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