The Role of the Joint Army in the Long-term EU Budget for 2021–2027 after Brexit

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2022.3.1


The European Committee promoted a suggestion on 30 November 2016 for the foundation of the European Defence Fund (EDF) as a part of the European Defence Action Plan (EDAP). The reason for the new proposal was the hitherto measured lowest defence expense level of the Member States in 2015 (GDP 1.4%) as well as the recognition of the hiatus of the estimated sum of 13 billion EUR being invested for a decade in defence purposes in reflection to the fact that both the USA, Russia and China have been ambitiously improving their defence capacities in the meantime. In June 2017, the bill for the establishment of the European Defence Fund found acceptance. As a result, the program appears without precedent in the budget of the interval between 2021 and 2027. Until the final decision of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), the conclusion applies that the Union no longer wishes to take part in the unfolding new arms race and has therefore downplayed its ambitious plans.


defence economy European Defence Fund MFF negotiation


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