The Role of Military in Crisis Management: Kashmir Earthquake (2005)

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2019.2.1


Tens of thousands of people died and hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes after the devastating earthquake in 2005 in Pakistan-administered Kashmir. It soon became obvious that without certain capabilities, such as airlift or field hospitals, civilian authorities alone were not able to effectively manage the crisis. The Pakistan Army and foreign military forces together provided the missing capabilities, thus becoming essential elements of the operation. In addition to the contributions of the Pakistan Army and the bilateral offers of the nations, NATO played an important role in the operation. The Alliance took part in the humanitarian aid by offering logistics, relief supplies and special equipment. Besides the airlift capabilities, NATO participated in medical care, cleaning the roads, building schools and shelters – the latter was especially important as winter season was drawing near.


NATO crisis management airlift earthquake army


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