Critical Infrastructure Protection: The Protection of Christian Sacred Sites

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2019.1.19


This publication is dedicated to the study of critical infrastructure. Firstly, it tries to define this new concept which was created in the 20th - 21st century. Then describes the domestic and international legal foundations of critical infrastructure. Afterwards describes ways we may protect our critical infrastructure and ways how the defence of critical infrastructure is incorporated into defence concepts.Here we will focus, in particular, upon the protection of our critical systems and facilities. Finally, after a study of various risk assessment and measurement methods, we examine a special sub-area of this topic, namely the protection of Christian sacred sites. Here we provide a brief historical and geographical overview of attacks against such targets and then, by using the available literature, and describe some of those special circumstances which influence how these locations may be protected against hostile action.


Christian church critical infrastructure security terror attack defense


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