The Relation between Terrorism and Guerrilla Warfare in Present-days

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2019.1.6


The guerrilla warfare was already known in the era of Carl von Clausewitz, however during the 20. century, the relation between terrorism and guerrilla warfare became a sharing factor among the theoreticians. While Carlos Marighella preferred the urban area and terrorism, Che Guevara went for the countryside and gave a negative meaning to terrorism. The judgement of the terrorism was divided and at the beginning of the 21. century the concept of terrorism and guerrilla warfare became almost the same after that the boundaries between the two nearly gone and the new world, insurgent, changed up the traditional guerrilla one. Nowadays, the Islamic State has the center of this two concept and forms a discussion.


Carlos Marighella guerrilla warfare Islamic State


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