On some Fundamental Questions in Writing Military History

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2019.1.ksz.21


Societies today rely on science upon maintaining their organisation, sustainment,
development and survival and their sub-systems aren’t any different in this regard either. Thus home defence and military within isn’t any exception and also specialised sub-units, namely military history in our case, bear the very same level of awareness. However, our opinion is that just as much those, representing the nowadays fashionable approach to military history are right in stressing the need to understand the all-society aspect of war, the very same approach fails by doing so at a cost of setting traditional military science aspect back in order to reach their aim. We recall the same type of erroneous view in the tendency of military science abandoning military history and her expertise, just as history would no longer be the lecturer of life in the new age. Military science can never abdicate the deductions and research results gained through the methods of military history. To understand and realise all these, in our view we have to reach back to the fundaments of military history.


Bialoskóski Ödön military history military science officer training


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