The „Notebook” of General-Major Gyula Reményi on the Military Preparation of the Occupation of Czechoslovakia

  • M. Szabó Miklós
doi: 10.32563/hsz.2019.1.ksz.20


The study introduces the „Notebook” of Major-General Gyula Reményi, the General Deputy of the Chief of Defence – head of directorate 1. (operations) – and leader of the operative group preparing the occupation of Czechoslovakia in the timeframe from 17 to 31 July 1967 in which he recorded the messages, orders, and activities to the point first echelon divisions reached full readiness. Interesting aspect of the document is its on-time and not ex-post recording thus reflecting General Reményi’s momentan impressions and feelings. The document helps trace the political and military momentum of the so-called Zala exercise.


Gyula Reményi occupation of Czechoslovakia 1968 „Sumava” exercise Zala exercise


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