Challanges and Solutions of the Military Technical Education

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2019.1.ksz.19


The geopolitical changes of the past few years, and the related national security challenges, complemented with the accelerating technical innovation have fundamentally changed the future roles of the Hungarian Defence Forces. This change makes it necessary to revise and, if necessary, modernize the military higher education. The present study focuses on the development possibilities of the Signal, IT, Electronic Warfare and Signal Intelligence departments. These departments have long traditions, and by utilizing the previous achievements, these traditions survived the capability reductions of the last decades. However, in addition to preserving traditions, attention must also be paid to the technical renewal. Therefore, we want to demonstrate the range of technical knowledge that offers effective responses and solutions to the challenges of the 21st century, the applicable teaching and training methods, and their innovative tools. In our writing, we are attempting to identify the most important impact areas of technical higher education, taking into account the current technological innovation trends, and then formulate the possibilities for integrating them into the Hungarian military higher education system.


military higher education project based learning robotics 3D technology artificial intelligence cyber security software radio technology


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