The Traces of the Rampart which was Built During the Siege of Esztergom in Year of 1595

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2019.1.ksz.14


The archaeological literature identified the Sipolo-hill as the remain of fort St. Johann which was built during the siege of Esztergom in year of 1595. After the field survey I have find a part of rampart whitch is connected with the Sipolo-hill and there is an another remain the fortificated linie. One of the archive source, an Italian sketch show the whole field fortification and give us the names of the objects. The fort St. Johann don't have any connection with the rampart linie. With the now discovered rampart we can locate the fortified camp and the other pieces of siege fortifications, which was depicted at the old sketch.


Esztergom siege Sípoló-hill Fort Sankt Johann Battlefield Archaeology 1595


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