Crisis and Differentiated Integration

  • Halmai Péter
doi: 10.32563/hsz.2019.1.ksz.7


Crises are mainly open decision making situations. In the context of the integration they obviously mean a threat and a high probability of a significant desintegration: a decrease in the level, the coverage or the membership of the integration. Or, on the other hand, they can result in further reforms deepening the integration. In the crises hit Europe it is very important to highlight and understand the drivers of the two possible outcomes. The euro and – as an entirely different area – the migration crisis provide a good opportunity to it. Outcomes of these two crises are significantly different. Highlighting the crises and their management mechanisms creates a good opportunity to improve integration theories.


crisis exogenous shock endogenous system error distribution conflict inter-state depenedency over-politicization supranational capacity neofunctionalism


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