Commanders of the Royal Hungarian Honvéd Ludovika Military Academy at the Time of the Great War

doi: 10.32563/hsz.2019.1.ksz.1


The study treats the military careers of the commanders of the Royal Hungarian Honvéd Ludovika Military Academy during the years of the Great War (Lieutenant Colonel Elemér Papp-Váry 1 August 1914 – 1 April 1915 and Colonel/Lieutenant General Lajos Bartha of Sepsiszék-Nagyborosnyó 2 April 1915 – 25 November 1918) together with their efforts to ensure the continuity and smoothness of officer training in the Ludovika Military Academy, regarding their exertions to surmount the difficulties of the war years (accelerated training, absence of teachers, decrease in value of education, parallelism of training at the academy and at the cadet schools).


Royal Hungarian Honvéd Ludovika Military Academy Elemér Papp-Váry Lajos Bartha accelerated training


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