The Employment of Nuclear Weapons, Constitution and Society
Copyright (c) 2024 Rezsneki Zsombor

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The most unanswered question today is whether or not a country will employ the atomic bomb. Could we get the result that we never again have to deal with the question at all? Experts can answer this question with uncertainty by analysing the current wars and the possibility of weaponising outer space. In this study, I collected and analysed the things necessary for a country to use the atomic bomb. These conditions are obstacles rather than opportunities for using the most destructive weapon ever created by humanity. In the course of my conclusions, I looked for the answer of whether it is possible to say with absolute certainty that the nuclear bomb is likely to be used, and whether its use can be ruled out. In the second part of the thesis, I analysed the constitutional regulation of the application of nuclear weapons and the involvement of societies.
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