The Battle of the Catalaunian Plains
Copyright (c) 2022 Majorosi Ádám

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In this study I would like to examine the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains. In the first part of my article I will talk about the causes of the campaign of 451; the treachery
of Honoria, the Frank succession and the Ostrogothic immigrants in the Visigothic court. Then I will move forward to the campaign, and I will show how the opposing forces manoeuvred, what were their plans, and how they arrived to the place of the battle. Then I will examine the order of the battle, the battle plans, and fight of the forces, which has continued through the night. Then, I will talk about the next couple of days, the sieges of the camps, and the reason why the Romans left the battlefield. Finally, I will finish with my conclusions, the examination of the performance of the military leaders, the losses of the opposing forces, and I will claim the winner in the end of my study.
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