Remembering Joshua in the Book of Ben Sira: Man of Valour or Prophet?

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The deuterocanonical Book of Ben Sira is considered a collection of wisdom sayings as it belongs to biblical wisdom literature. Attached to the collection of sayings we find a hymn, a so-called anthology „The Praise of the Fathers” representing the author’s view on Israel’s history. Ben Sira’s main concern appears to be the Law (the Torah) and the relation of man to God. The author considers the influence an exceptonal individual can excercise over society in general. The heros are discovered by Ben Sira in four offices: patriarch, priest, judge and king. The portrait gallery includes nevertheless one warrior, a man of valour, Joshua. Joshua’s glory and greatness is described by Ben Sira as depending on Joshua’s prophetic office: his military success is due to God’s intervention on his behalf. Thus, the author of the hellenistic period confirms the biblical view on war: war is always holy, it is part of the cult led by God and fought with God’s help.