The Establishment of the European Chemicals Agency and Its Activities in the Light of my 15 Years’ Experience as a Member of the Scientific Committee

  • Schuchtár Endre
doi: 10.32559/et.2022.3-4.8


The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) was established in 2006 by means of an EU Regulation (REACH). A new agency of the European Commission has been launched in Helsinki to support Commission decision-making and action on chemicals legislation to protect human health and the environment, and to contribute to the
proper functioning of the internal market, innovation and the competitiveness of the European chemical industry. Through my work as a five times elected national expert member in the Socio-economic Analizing Committee (SEAC) since the establishment of this organisation, I have seen the development of the public administration body of the industrial sector established by EU legal act, which has now become an institute with 600 employees and mainly manages budgetary resources (129 MEUR in 2021). In addition to the fact that its creation points towards a single European public administration, its development is also influenced by the recent political orientation of the European Commission, which is illustrated by presenting a few examples.


European Union European Commission European Chemicals Agency EU agencies regulation of chemicals dangerous chemicals REACH regulation risk and socio-economic analysis EU chemical industry competitiveness


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