Analysis of Some Test Farm Indicators of Hungarian Agriculture, with a European Union Perspective

doi: 10.32559/et.2022.3-4.7


Agriculture has traditionally been a key sector of the Hungarian economy. With the accession to the EU in 2004, the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP) was introduced in Hungary, which has provided many challenges and opportunities for farmers. The aim of this paper is to review the development of the KAP, focusing on the events
since accession. In addition, the macro-economic role of agriculture in the context of the EU28 and the Visegrad group of countries will be examined. The analysis also includes a micro-level analysis between 2004 and 2020, using data from the test farm system to examine the evolution of output, value added, wealth and subsidies through
time-series analysis. Our analysis shows that Hungarian agriculture has reached the EU28 average level of development in several variables, and uses its resources with high efficiency, but its development is hampered by small farm size and the resulting lower creditworthiness and mechanisation.


sectoral analysis comparative analysis macroeconomy microeconomy


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