Cooperation Between the European Union and Muslim Communities
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The situation of the Muslims living in Europe have been discussed and approached in various ways and without doubt the most urgent task of the European Union is to find an appropriate solution for the migration and integration of the Muslim population and simultaneously for the demographic problems concerning the European population. The present situation of migration and the opinion on Muslims living in Europe are changing day by day. At the same time the Member States of the European Union are unable to form a common approach. Furthermore, due to the current developments the idea of incompatibility of the European and Islam culture is more and more present in European societies. The most exciting and also the most responsible task of these days is how to find a solution for the Muslim migration while protecting our countries and preserving our safety and culture. Examining a special aspect of the situation of European Muslims, in my analysis I introduce the status of organisations representing Muslims in the European Union by presenting the European Union integration policy concerning migration and the tools assisting in integration. The European Muslim diaspora does not form a homogeneous group, they are very different ethnically, religiously and politically. Although Islam plays a stronger and stronger role in their identity, they have their ethnic, religious, generational and socio-political differences and they relate differently to the host society, modernization and religion. Therefore, it is not possible to identify a single European Muslim community, it is only possible to identify minorities. Members of the Muslim diaspora are often culturally separated and they tend to become socially marginalized. The lack of recognition of the legitimacy of grassroots organizations representing Muslim minorities largely stem from the diversity of Muslim communities. The governments of the European countries experience significant difficulties when they face the different needs and situations of the Muslim population, which is rooted in cultural, legal, structural and political reasons. The lack of formal Muslim institutions in Europe has made European governments and EU institutions urge the creation of artificial Muslim councils and organizations that could be the bases for religion-state relations. Beside the already existing traditional religious institutions and local initiatives numerous European countries have launched a top-down institutionalization establishing Muslim umbrella organizations in order to connect the interests of the Muslim communities and the political decision-makers.