Németország újjáépítése a II. világháború után

  • Maróti Dávid


The Allied Powers started to negotiate the future of Germany even during World War II. After the capitulation of the Nazi Reich, the forced alliance among the Allies had weakened gradually and finally collapsed. The former allies became enemies at this time and the Cold War began. In the beginning, the occupation policies of the Allies were coordinated; however, the political standoff between the two political blocks resulted in cooperation decreasing to a minimum. The Allies made a widely separate policy in their own zones. The reestablishment of Germany proceeded variously in the occupation zones according to the conceptualization and interests of the Allies.


Németország újjáépítés II. világháború

Hogyan kell idézni

Maróti, D. (2017). Németország újjáépítése a II. világháború után. Acta Humana – Emberi Jogi Közlemények, 5(5), 59–73. Elérés forrás https://folyoirat.ludovika.hu/index.php/actahumana/article/view/2042


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