Structural Change of the Hungarian Higher Education from the Perspective of Students

  • Fodor Márk Joszipovics
doi: 10.32575/ppb.2021.3.8


The structural change of the Hungarian higher education has been one of the most significant and politically highly  conflicting structural reforms of the government in recent  years. Student acceptance of model change varied from  institution to institution, from indifference to university  occupation. The effects of the new structure were different  in different institutions, depending on the stage of the  model change, and the process was hampered by the tight  schedule of implementation and the transition to atypical  education and operations introduced in the context of  coronavirus control. However, the structural changes at  Corvinus University of Budapest and the lower steps taken in other model change institutions provide important  experience for the further process of model change,  although a comprehensive assessment cannot be made in such a short period of time. 


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