Indicators of Social Policy for Sustainability and Their Fulfilment in Hungary

  • Iván Dániel
  • Boros Anita
  • Hegedüs Viktor
doi: 10.32575/ppb.2020.2.7


The phenomenon of sustainability and sustainable development is one of the most current and most researched domains. In our present study a close, historic approach is applied to the conceptual framework of these two concepts and their relation. Besides presenting the evolving definition of sustainability, our work aims to examine the available indicators and set of indicators to measure general sustainability from the viewpoint of social policy; furthermore, the questions arising from their application in practice are analysed. We concluded in our paper that the concept of sustainability is well-researched and developed, in contrast, the indicators measuring it need further elaboration. Finally, the last section studies the realisation and evolution of the available social policy indicators of sustainability in Hungary.


sustainability sustainable development social sustainability indicators sustainability indicators measuring sustainability


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