The Effects of the Soviet Criminal Law Science on the Hungarian Criminal Law after 1945, with a View on the Principles of Substantive Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure and the Passed Laws Based on Those

  • Drócsa Izabella


The study deals with the conversion of the Hungarian Criminal Law which was suitable for the Soviet sample. It is very important to emphasise two aspects of this topic: firstly, the objects of the criminal policy, on the basis of which the criminal principles were filled with completely different contents, and secondly, due to this transformation what kind of law has been adopted. This topic has been presented in the earlier Hungarian and Soviet legal literature, criminal law publications which were published in the various legal professional magazines, as well as in the works of authors who processed this theme after the Regime Change. The article would give an overall of this legal development pointing out what functions of the Criminal Law were fulfilled during the building of the Communist Dictatorship. This development ended in 1949, when the Soviet Constitution was accepted.


class content in Criminal Law collective responsibility show trial People’s Tribunal the principle of “social dangerousness” the principle of equality before the law the principle of legality


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