The Communication Process of the City Branding. Performance and Management Conditions

  • Kádár Magor


The study aims to provide guidance to local governments that plan the branding or repositioning of their settlement. The backgrounds of the classifications and suggestions are based on the place branding processes of the last decade, in which the author participated as observer or had active contribution to the branding process. It enlists the elements that need to be taken into account at the start of the place branding process: the classification of the settlement by perception, the reasons for its positioning, the subjects of the branding and their connection to the brand or identity of the settlement, the connection between different brand subjects and a possible classification of the target groups. It emphasises the role of local governments, bearing in mind that the municipality, local government and its representatives must form a single group for communication with residents and outer target groups.


place branding positioning the role of the local public administration in place branding subjects of branding target groups of place branding unique advertising position


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