The Basic Lines of Indonesia’s Foreign Policy under the Presidency of Joko Widodo (2014–2023)

  • Háda Béla
doi: 10.32576/nb.2023.1.4


Indonesia is the leading power of the ASEAN and potential key actor of the strategic rebalance of the Indo-Pacific region. However, despite of its unique geostrategic position, the island nation has modest strategic goals, and, especially in the recent years, relative underrepresentation in international forums. This contradictory phenomenon follows from the country’s foreign policy traditions and still limited resources on one hand, and in the attitude of the current government, on the other. Approaching to the end of President Joko Widodo’s second term, it is worth taking stock of his government’s foreign policy. This study aims to analyse the most important features of Indonesian foreign policy in the last nine years.


Indonesia foreign policy Southeast Asia Joko Widodo regional power Indo-Pacific region


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