Money Laundering Practices in the Combination of Organized Crime and Terrorism – Conceptual Clarification and Practical Contacts

– Fogalmi tisztázás és gyakorlati kapcsolatok

  • Bugyáki Attila
doi: 10.32576/nb.2023.1.5


Organized crime and terrorism are shadowing almost every day of our lives. They are always able to renew, through their continuous change and flexible adaptation, as a constant threat and fear to the members of the state and society. To operate and survive, they need money that appears to have a clear origin, not arousing the interest of law enforcement authorities. In order to fulfil their purpose and motivation, organized crime and terrorism can form occasional alliances, often provided by professional money laundering. As a result, not only it is illegal, but it also covers the legal sphere, thereby jeopardizing the global economy and the peaceful coexistence of democracies. The present study seeks to demonstrate – through conceptual clarification and practical links – the concentration of organized crime with terrorism based on its specific interest in money laundering.


money laundering organized crime terrorism financing of terrorism


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