Game of Drones

The Increasing Importance of Drones in the Russian-Ukrainian War, Their Tactical and Strategic Implications in the Changing Warfare Environment

  • Faragó Bence
doi: 10.32576/nb.2022.2.3


The Russia-Ukraine war is one of the largest modern conflicts where we can observe drones in action in modern warfare in practice. The emergence of drones has already transformed modern warfare in many ways, and in the context of the current events in Ukraine, they have gained even more significance. At this stage of the war, both sides are treating unmanned aircraft as a key tactical element, which has become a crucial part of the unfolding strategies. This paper aims to answer the question of what roles were assigned to separate kinds of drones in the first eight months of the war and how those influenced developments on the battlefield.


drone Ukraine Russia Russian warfare force modernization


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