Criminal Law Instruments in the Fight against Terrorism

  • Károlyi Lili
doi: 10.32576/nb.2021.3.2


Nowadays terrorism, which knows no borders and affects all segments of society, has become the most important security policy issue in the world. Terrorism as an illegitimate political dissent has been present since humanity was organised into political groups. Due to its transnational and complex nature, it poses a constant threat to the democratic functioning of states, so it is essential to clarify its conceptual definitions in order to describe the appropriate responses to terrorism. However, the modernisation of criminal law, which aims to tackle the various acts of terrorism remains a challenge for the legislator, as the perpetrators of terrorist acts are constantly moving in a new direction, and as a result of this, up-to-date security strategies have been reviewed and developed. The present study focuses on the main trends in criminal law related to terrorist acts, although given the scope constraints, it is not intended to examine the topic in detail, but rather to present the problematic issue of regulation.


acts of terrorism criminal law definition international conventions nature of the offences


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