The Rise of the Theory of Soft and Smart Power and ‘Power Politics’ Arising from the Breakup of the Bipolar World System

  • Pál Melinda
doi: 10.32576/nb.2022.2.6


Today, in an era of rapidly advancing armaments technology, it is of particular importance how and in which fields a foreign policy actor can mobilise soft resources and foreign policy tools based on attraction and cooperation in its smart foreign policy strategy. In short, the smart strategy is a combination of charming soft and coercive hard power tools in foreign policy activities. This study argues that smart power influences the international power resources and capabilities that will determine the external relations of the 21st century, and their classification according to soft or hard resources helps to provide a more precise approach. After setting forth conceptual definitions, the dissertation seeks the answer to the question of the resources, force and means by which the primary international actors – the United States, China and the European Union – determine their ability to influence their intelligent strategy through their soft resources.


soft power hard power smart power exceptionalism great power resources and abilities


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