Relations between Turkey and the Turkic Countries (1991–2018)

Integration Efforts, Economic Cooperation and Strategic Relations

  • Biró Dávid
doi: 10.32576/nb.2021.3.3


The study examines relations between Turkey and Turkic countries (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) from the period after the collapse of the Soviet Union to 2018. The present analysis attempts to outline the multidimensional policy that Turkey has pursued with these countries in the past decades. One of the central questions is to what extent Turkey can exercise its influence in the independent Turkic countries and whether Ankara’s foreign policy in this direction can be seen as decisive. Along this issue, the analysis will focus on Turkey’s integration efforts, which have reached a new level with the establishment of the Turkic Council, and on the economic cooperation, as Turkey has significant economic interests with these countries. Over the past decade, strategic and defense relations have been greatly strengthened, in which Ankara also seeks to play a leading role.


Turkey Turkic countries integration economic cooperation defense relations


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