The Human Side of Cybersecurity

  • Berzsenyi Dániel


We have witnessed countless cyber security incidents in recent years, some of them of historical importance. Among their causes the increasing vulnerabilities created by spreading info-communication technologies and more complex systems that require protection is only one. Further reasons for the sharp increase in the number of cyber incidents are underfinancing, lack of knowledge, underestimated exposure, as well as the lack of skilled professionals who can design and operate secure systems. The United States, as a leading info-communication society, has faced this problem in 2009. By now, more and more countries must face the challenge of lacking human resources, still its reality and extent are debated even among professionals. The current article deems the lack of skilled professionals in this field a real phenomenon, and from this point of departure offers insights into the human resource management problems in the field of cyber security, highlighting some measures as good practices that are aimed to counter such challenges.


cybersecurity professional skills shortage human resources


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