The Theoretical Fundamentals and Practical Contradictions of the United States’ South Asia Strategy

  • Háda Béla


The appreciation of South Asia from the perspective of the United States’ strategic endeavors was a gradual, but unstoppable process in the last 18 years. After the 2001 terrorist attacks, Washington tightened its cooperation with Pakistan and India as well. Nowadays, the radical transformation of the strategic environment of the Asia-Pacific Region gives new impetus to this relationships. Despite of the political declarations and military campaigns, however, the Afghanistan conflict has became the longest war of the USA, and the threat of terrorism is still one of the basic security problems in the wider region. This phenomena inspired the American government’s new South Asia Strategy, announced by President Donald Trump in August 21, 2017. The following paper offers an overview of the features of this strategy, especially the conceptions and practices of the Trump administration.


South Asia United States of America strategy Afghanistan India Pakistan Donald Trump


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