NATO in 2030 and what the future will bring – “Essential security, dynamic engagement”

doi: 10.32561/nsz.2019.4.5


In the history of NATO, we had to respond to the challenges of a constantly changing world with regard to security risks. The new security challenges radically differ from the usual ones. Poverty, civil wars, and other conflicts and disasters can result in a wave of refugees to neighboring countries and regions. In these areas, emergency situations may emerge in security policy that the countries and regions concerned do not handle properly. Such emergencies may escalate or extend to nearby regions. To handle this, new skills need to be developed, and the correct answers can be given using the Bartlett theoretical model. The purpose of my study is to examine the future responsibilities of the Alliance and the processes supporting the fulfillment of these tasks, the strengthening the Alliance as a factor of lasting peace.


NATO challanges Bartlett Model


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