The Centripetal Impact of TIBEK as an Information Fusion Centre on Hungarian Government Decisions, with Special Regard to the Role of Evaluation and Information

doi: 10.32561/nsz.2021.2.3


The effects of globalisation, the emergence of new types of challenges, and the expansion of the Gutenberg galaxy with the help of the Internet have caused profound changes in international relations. Not only has the amount of data increased, but the time it takes to reach users has also accelerated. The value of information is increasingly
determined by who obtains it and how quickly, and who shares the information with whom and with whom. The stability and advocacy capacity of individual states is
significantly affected by prompt and accurate information provided by specialised bodies and services, but at the same time there is less and less time for decisions.
Information fusion centres are therefore tasked with gathering and analysing prior information to facilitate time-consuming government decisions and to help governments
make accurate and rapid decisions. Although the history of fusion centres is still short, they have undergone rapid development over the past decade and a half and have
been able to adapt to current challenges. TIBEK has successfully met the requirements imposed on it so far, and is now facing a new stage of development by responding
flexibly to new challenges.


fusion centres centripetal force analysis prognosis responsibility


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