The Authority Functions of the Special Service for National Security

  • Juhász Zsolt
  • Virányi Gergely
  • Hegedűs Tamás
  • Visztra Tímea
doi: 10.32561/nsz.2020.1.8


history of the Special Service for National Security has also been characterised in the past decades by the appearance and extension of authority functions: document security, security of information services, protection of classified information. The article describes the three authority activities which are also highlighted in national security terms and belong currently to the tasks of the Special Service for National Security. Document security: Document security is a national security issue, which has always had an outstanding importance during history. The article presents a historical perspective of document security, then describes the present regulation. The Institute for Expert Services of the Special Service for National Security (SSNS IES) is the document security authority in Hungary. Government Decree 86/1996 contains the current regulation. The SSNS IES contributes to the authorisation procedure of stock production, and to the authorisation procedure of transportation of security papers. Electronic information security: Society expects arrangements for the protection of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and information managed in electronic information systems that are indispensable for the state and its citizens, as well as the integrity and availability of the relevant system elements on a comprehensive and continuous basis, in a closed system, and commensurately with risks, and hence the protection of the cyberspace. The related tasks are performed by the National Cyber Security Centre of the Special Service for National Security as a responsible authority. The protection of classified information: The Hungarian Parliament with Act No. 85/1998 on the National Security Authority established the body of the National Security Authority. The National Security Authority operates with independent task and magisterial status within the organisational structure of the Special Service for National Security as a Department. The tasks of the NSA are the protection, supervision and accreditation of handling classified information by law, industrial security tasks regarding classified information and promoting the national interests in connection with protection of classified information by an active participation at various international committees and working groups.


security paper security document authorisation accreditation electronic information security control inspection stock Cybersecurity Act incident management incident coordination IT risk management security awareness classified information Special Service for National Security National Security Authority of Hungary document security National Cyber Security Centre Institute for Expert Services


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