Evolution of the Institutional Background of Coordination Mechanism in the National Security Administration

  • Urbán Attila
doi: 10.32561/nsz.2020.1.1


In Hungary, due to historical and political reasons a split system of national security institutions was established following the disintegration of the state security organisation. Until now, this characteristic feature regarding the structure of the domestic secret services remained the same throughout the implemented structural transformations. Having said that, the question of effectiveness of the coordination processes within the national security sector has been a reoccurring topic of political and professional discussions in the last three decades. The study, while provides a brief review on the institutional resolutions between the period of 1990 and 2018, primarily aims to focus on the concept of tasks delegated to the civilian national security services and on the ideas related to the coordination of the governmental information system supporting decision-making processes. The periodical review also intends to examine the often conflicting professional concepts and approaches, which provided orientation to the development of the currently existing coordination mechanisms used in the domestic national security sector.


national security administration institutions for coordination models of cooperation


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