The Agenda Setters of the Liberal World Order:

The EU–US Relations

  • Rada Péter
doi: 10.32559/et.2022.1-2.1


The EU–US relations do not correspond completely with the European–American relations. The latter is broader and traditionally it has a very heavy defence and security policy cooperation dimension. The present analysis intends to look into the specific EU–US relations with defining the issues on the agenda and examining these issue areas. The issue areas overlap each other and a single issue may belong to other areas, too. These areas of issue groups on the EU–US agenda are: security cooperation; economic cooperation and the global challenges, which need to be addressed together. Description of the agenda makes sense in the perspective of the liberal world order, because the EU and the US are the two most important agenda setters of the liberal world order.


EU United States European-American relations liberal world order


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