Towards the New Post-Covid Economics
Copyright (c) 2022 Arva Laszlo, Dr. Várhelyi Tamás
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
el is törölhetik az emberi civilizációt. A Covid-járvány idején többen megismételték ezeket a borús jóslatokat. Cikkünkben olyan fenntartható megoldásokat igyekszünk javasolni, amelyek révén elkerülhetők lennének az emberiség legsötétebb kilátásai.
Kulcsszavak: Covid–19, a járványok okai, felmelegedés, a gazdaság hatása a környezetre, új gazdasági paradigmák
Economists traditionally strive to get higher results, bigger outputs with the available scarce resources. But at the same time, it is not their task to ask about the distribution of the outputs, or why this output should increase very rapidly at all? Similarly, external effects, the longer consequences of the production are also not very important for the economists, and especially not for the economists who are working for the companies. During the last half century, Earth has become very overpopulated, and if the total population of the Earth had the same level of consumption as the average per capita consumption of the richest countries, then the pollution problem would become globally completely unmanageable. Some biologists have already warned before the Covid–19 epidemic that due to the worldwide overpopulation, the extreme development of the cities, the unexpected consequences of the global warming and the limitless globalisation, the negligence of the price of the natural resources and the production activities neglecting the real needs of the population altogether would lead to global catastrophes which cannot only shake, but can completely eliminate human population on Earth. During the Covid–19 epidemic, there have been more and more experts who keep repeating these somber predictions and sometimes are visualising the complete extinction of the human race. In our article we try to suggest some sustainable solutions to avoid the blackest scenarios of mankind.
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