Europe: Unification of Domination?

Some Thoughts with Regards to the Conference of the Future of Europe

  • Trócsányi László
doi: 10.32559/et.2021.2.9


Throughout the history of Europe, there were several attempts for its domination. Even though there were periods when certain nations lived under the oppression of foreign powers, no one could acquire military dominance over the whole continent. The history of the European integration was marked by the same dilemma: there are efforts to create a supranational entity, which are in contrast with the principle of the alliance of free European nations. The European economic integration brought unprecedented prosperity; however, the European Union underwent a serious crisis period in the last decade. The European unification process is at a crossroad. The Conference on the Future of Europe might offer a forum for true reflection, but it is questionable whether it can deliver realistic results. The unity of Europe cannot mean domination over Europe and the countries of Europe. The integration of the free European countries can only be successful if its motto, unity in diversity comes true.


Europe European integration Conference on the Future of Europe sovereignty supranational


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