Technical Regulatory Issues from the Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom


  • Schuchtár Endre
doi: 10.32559/et.2021.2.3


At the very last moment of the Brexit process, a trade and cooperation agreement modeled on the EU–Canada Free Trade Agreement (CETA) and signed on 30 December 2020 succeeded in maintaining the liberalised movement of goods between the signatories. The EU technical regulation for all goods that can be freely traded on the European internal market remains binding on U.K. exports to the EEA-31, but is no longer unconditionally in force in the U.K. as was commited for a transitional period; but only in the way set out in the Agreement, to which it is worth drawing the kind attention of both legislators and parties involved in bilateral trade while mentioning a related economic policy issue.


Trade and Cooperation Agreement WTO – World Trade Organization TBT – Technical Barriers to Trade Technical Regulation Standard Conformity Assessment old/new/global approach UNECE – United Nations Economic Commission for Europe


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