EU Expert Bodies in Light of the Glyphosate Saga and the Dieselgate Scandal
Cross-Sectoral Lessons to Be Learned in the Era of Emerging Risk Factors and Constant Crisis Management?
Copyright (c) 2023 László Szegedi

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Several scandals shed light on the eroding capacity and legitimacy of the Single Market’s scientific decision-making in the current era of constant economic, environmental and societal challenges when the need for solid science has never been greater. A sector-specific nature still characterises the EU law and the Single Market competencies. Yet, the emerging relevance of the EU law’s horizontal evolution inevitably leads us to the cross-sectoral elements of EU expert bodies and scientific decision-making. The purposes of this paper are 1. to describe the evolution of EU expert bodies with the comparison of two relatively diverse policy areas of the EU’s food sector and transportation, which are similarly characterised by the scandals of the glyphosate saga and the Dieselgate scandal; 2. to explore the sector-specific elements of the scientific decision-making of these
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