KOL Research in the Field of Self-governments of Csongrád County

  • Patyi Zsófia
doi: 10.32566/ah.2019.2.4


Research into legal consciousness does not only constitute support for the individual but also for society in order to promote greater knowledge and understanding of a legal system, the daily round of relations and choices regulated by law and eventually self-knowledge. Applying this to the scope of research of this study, the research into legal consciousness in the field of local self-governments regarding the county seat of Csongrád County, the inhabitants of Szeged and the personnel at the local government serves as a feedback to both the inhabitants of Szeged and the local government and as an intermediary of mutual understanding for purer legal consciousness and the creation of the ideal of good self-governance. Emphasising the significance of research into legal consciousness and revealing important details of empirical research, this study highlights social phenomena the recognition and redress of which may assist in the sustainability and efficiency of both good self-governance and good governance.


KOL Research Self-governments Csongrád County

How to Cite

Patyi, Z. (2019). KOL Research in the Field of Self-governments of Csongrád County. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 7(2), 69–84. https://doi.org/10.32566/ah.2019.2.4


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