Empirical Research in the Field of Local Governments of Csongrád County

  • Badó Attila
doi: 10.32566/ah.2019.2.1


Following a change of government in 2010, the Hungarian local government system underwent a period of significant transformation. The question of how it is viewed and the effects it may have are currently being debated. However, the fact that 2011 saw a reform of a more than a 20-year-old unyielding system seems difficult to argue with.


Empirical Research Governments significant transformation

How to Cite

Badó, A. (2019). Empirical Research in the Field of Local Governments of Csongrád County. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 7(2), 7–34. https://doi.org/10.32566/ah.2019.2.1


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