Further Modifications in the Holy See Structure: The Third Section of the Vatican Secretariat of State

  • Ujházi Lóránd


The structure of the Holy See is not static, but – reflecting to the challenges, and so that the Church can perform a more effective salvation intermediary role – it is a body of constantly modified offices. The restructuring of the Curia is not merely an aesthetic measure, but it always touches upon the very essence, as it is always done in order to pass the Gospel more perfectly. Since being elected, Pope Francis has paid particular attention to the more effective operation of the Roman Curia, for which he has made significant changes in the structure of the Curia and its legislative frameworks. On the 31st of August, 2016 Pope Francis proclaimed motu proprio, Humanam progressionem, in which he decided to integrate four pontifical councils, and to establish a new Holy See office – the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. At Christmas 2016, the Pope spoke before prominent representatives of the Roman Curia, about the principles and the causes of the Curia reform. Recently, the Pope made changes in the leader body of the Apostolic Holy See: the Holy See Secretariat of State. Reflecting to the changed political and security background in the subordination of the first section of the Secretariat of State, he formed an autonomous section from the Delegate for Pontifical Representations, responsible for matters relating to the staff who work in the diplomatic service, and so the third independent ‘foot’ of the Secretariat of State was formed. In this study I am introducing the Holy See Secretariat of State, its operational limits, aim and role, structure and possible causes of establishing the third section.


Vatican Secretariat Holy See

How to Cite

Ujházi, L. (2018). Further Modifications in the Holy See Structure: The Third Section of the Vatican Secretariat of State. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 6(4), 143–164. Retrieved from https://folyoirat.ludovika.hu/index.php/actahumana/article/view/951


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