The History of the Welsh Nationalism and the Plaid Cymru

  • Szabó Máté Csaba


The study presents the process of the Welsh national revival, the development of the national movement, the characteristics of local nationalism and its focus on the Welsh Party, Plaid Cymru. The article reviews the party’s twentieth century history from its founding in 1925 until nowadays. The study follows the political development of Plaid Cymru and its changing affiliation to the devolution in the UK, as well as the electoral results of the party. The study also examines the period between 2007–2011, when Plaid Cymru was a coalition member of the Welsh Government.


national movement Plaid Cymru

How to Cite

Szabó, M. C. (2018). The History of the Welsh Nationalism and the Plaid Cymru. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 6(4), 121–142. Retrieved from


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