The British Monarchy
Parliamentary Sovereignty and the Monarch
Copyright (c) 2023 Egedy Gergely
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This study is concerned with the changes in the constitutional and political role of the British monarchy. The author makes an attempt at exploring the evolution of the monarchy from the “glorious revolution” and the Bill of Rights up to Elizabeth II, arguing that in the United Kingdom the constitutional monarchy was transformed into a parliamentary monarchy. It was during this process that the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, the idea of the „king/queen in parliament” became a crucial element in British constitutional thinking. The study tries to prove that though the prerogatives of the monarch have been by now diminished to a very significant degree, the symbolical role of the institution of the monarchy has remained important even by the 21st century. This explains the fact that republicanism, a very potent force in most European countries, up to now has not been able to gain ground in Britain.
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