The History of Sustainability Strategies, Suggestions and Programs in the European Union – The Establishment of the European Green Treaty

  • Szélpál Szilárd
  • Varga János
doi: 10.32566/ah.2023.3.9


The study looks at the green transformation of our future, which may be unfamiliar to many, and the journey and milestones on the road to a sustainable and Green Europe. Achieving the goal of a European Green Deal would be the end of a long journey that the countries of the Union have been shaping since the end of the Second World War. A series of treaties and packages of measures laid the foundations for what is now known as the Green Deal. Its significance is extremely important because, if the functioning of the European Union is not affected by changes that divert it from this path, there will be a lot of changes in our lives between now and 2050. It will affect everyone’s lives, society, the economy, even cultural life. Today, the Green Deal is the most comprehensive and far-reaching EU sustainability strategy to 2050. This paper gives a brief historical overview of how we got here and what the EU’s long-term strategy for meeting its long-term sustainable goals really means.


sustainability strategy climate change

How to Cite

Szélpál, S., & Varga, J. (2023). The History of Sustainability Strategies, Suggestions and Programs in the European Union – The Establishment of the European Green Treaty. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 11(3), 185–199.


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