Attitudes towards Environmental Sustainability in Public Administration

  • Kis Norbert
  • Pálvölgyi Tamás
  • Szűcs Gábor
  • Győrfyné Kukoda Andrea
  • Klotz Balázs
doi: 10.32566/ah.2023.3.1


In autumn 2022, with the establishment of the Institute for Environmental Sustainability at the National University of Public Service, the authors compiled a questionnaire to map the Hungarian public servants’ level of sustainability awareness, the resulting attitudes and values, and the patterns of environmentally conscious behaviour exhibited by them within and outside
their professional environment. While the researchers did not approach this survey project with preconceptions, the results detailed in the article yielded a number of unexpected positive findings. In addition, valuable points were raised for the development of environmental awareness not only among public administrators, but also among Hungarian intellectuals in general.


environmental sustainability attitude survey public servants

How to Cite

Kis, N. ., Pálvölgyi, T., Szűcs, G., Győrfyné Kukoda, A., & Klotz, B. (2023). Attitudes towards Environmental Sustainability in Public Administration. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 11(3), 7–28.


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