The Value of the Family – During a General Crisis of Values

(The Value of Faith and Love)

  • Lenkovics Barnabás
doi: 10.32566/ah.2023.2.2


Religious wars, political struggles, violent movements foment hatred, fear and terror, but these are not the things that people can live with for long. After all, was Hobbes right saying ‘all against all’ and ‘man against man’? Is that what thousands of years of civilisational progress and the standards achieved so far are worth? Where is the role and responsibility of law, in particular of the universally valid fundamental freedoms and human rights in all this?


family value crisis of values Christianity fundamental freedoms the role and responsibility of human rights

How to Cite

Lenkovics, B. (2023). The Value of the Family – During a General Crisis of Values: (The Value of Faith and Love). Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 11(2), 19–38.


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